ISSN: 2155-2843

     The Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness is a double blind peer reviewed journal that publishes thought-provoking, in-depth articles that cover the marketing arena and the interface between marketing and firm competitiveness. Articles in JMDC bridge the gap between theory and application. The journal is widely circulated with a diverse readership that includes both practitioners and academics, profit and nonprofit organizations, and government institutions. Although the focus is on marketing it also draws on other disciplines including entrepreneurship, management, economics, and finance. JMDC is committed to publishing a broad spectrum of conceptual and empirical articles that make a new theoretical and/or substantive contribution to the field. 

     The target acceptance bounds of JMDC run between 13% and 19%. All articles go through a double blind review process, and acceptance decisions are made within forty-five days of submission. Authors of unaccepted papers are free to submit their papers to another journal.