
 The International Journal of Business Anthropology is a double peer-reviewed journal focusing on business anthropology sponsored by the College of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University, China, the Faculty of Social Science, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and published by the North American Business Press (NABP) biannually. Given the rapid growth of business anthropology, a journal dedicated to the field is much needed. Business anthropology uses qualitative and ethnographic methods as an alternative to more formal methodologies, Specific tools include participant observation, informal and structured interviews, and other “naturalistic”, informal, and face-to-face methods of investigation. Business anthropologists play a key role in developing culturally sensitive policies and strategies in a world that is increasingly typified by cross-cultural contact.

The journal seeks articles by anthropologically-oriented scholars and practitioners.  Regionally focused contributions are welcome, especially when their findings can be generalized.  We encourage dialogues between the findings or theories generated from the field of business anthropology and the theories of general anthropology. Topics of interest include but are not limited to, general business anthropology theories and methods, management, marketing, consumer behavior, product design and development, knowledge management and competitive intelligence, human resources management, international business, etc.  
Sample Journal Cover
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Submission Qualifications

The focus of the articles should be on general business anthropology theories and methods, management, marketing, consumer behavior, product design and development, knowledge management and competitive intelligence, human resources management, and international business.  Theoretical articles are welcome as long as their focus is in keeping with IJBA’s applied nature.

​Submissions will be examined for publication based on their originality, credibility and validity, importance, and societal impact. 

Journal Submission and Review Process

We are committed to publishing papers that advance the practice of management, and we believe in a fair review process that is free from editor and reviewer bias. To avoid this, we follow a democratic review process whereby the publication decision is made by a majority vote. 

Follow the steps below to submit your paper to the International Journal of Business Anthropology.

  • Email your paper to the journal secretariat at or upload it through the IJBA Submission page.
  • The initial double-blind review will be completed within 20-25 days​.
  • If revisions are requested, revisions must be made within the timeframe specified by the reviewer.​
  • If the paper is accepted, the paper will be put in production and you will be notified of the approximate publication date.​
  • Questions should be addressed to the appropriate Editor.

Formatting Guidelines

​​To help us streamline the review process, please format the paper according to our guidelines.

The guidelines can be found here.

Submission Fees

​There is NO "Publication Fee" or "Submission Fee" for our journals.

However, upon acceptance, in an effort to help promote the journal and your work, a one-year subscription may be required.  See Subscription Fees below.  

Ethics and Malpractice Statement

It is necessary to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer and the publisher. Our ethic statements are based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Subscription Information

​​The annual subscription rate for the International Journal of Business Anthropology is $330. Please send an email to to subscribe. 

Information regarding reprints and other subscription concerns should be directed to the customer service department via email

Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini, do not satisfy our authorship criteria. Use of an LLM must be properly documented. If a LLM is used, please closely follow the guidelines below:

  • Indicate the use of LLM(s) in the manuscript cover letter, methods section, and acknowledgements. Specify the scope of how LLMs were used.
  • Ensure the content and citations produced by the LLM(s) are accurate, valid, and appropriate. Correct any mistakes or inconsistencies found. Provide a list of sources used to generate content and citations, including those generated by language models.
  • Vigilantly check plagiarism, where LLM may have reproduced substantial text from other sources. Check the original sources to be sure you are not plagiarizing someone else's work.
  • Acknowledge the limitations of language models in the manuscript, including the potential for bias, errors, and gaps in knowledge.

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